Position on MiCASSA

  • Self Advocates Becoming Empowered believes that all people with a disability have the right to choose where they want to live.
  • Self Advocates Becoming empowered believes that people with disabilities should receive the supports needed to live in the most integrated setting.
  • Self Advocates Becoming Empowered believes that if a person chooses to move from a nursing facility or ICF/MR that the money that is used to support that individual moves with them.
  • Therefore SABE supports the passage and implementation of MiCASSA

What MiCASSA Does

  1. Provides community based services and supports in the most integrated setting. Those services must be:
    1. based on what a person needs, not their diagnosis
    2. provided in home or community settings
    3. controlled by the individual
    4. supplemented with backup and emergency supports
    5. furnished according to the individuals plan
  2. MiCASSA allows for a friend, family member, guardian, or advocate to be authorized to assist.
  3. Funds transition costs from a nursing facility or ICF-MR to a home setting.
  4. Provides:
    • Quality assurance programs
    • Continuation of programs without states cutting funds
    • States the option to waive income and resource limits to enhance employment opportunities for people with disabilities and to create a Medicaid “buy-in” program.

What YOU Can Do

  1. Contact your Congressman in Washington DC to let them know:
    1. Who you are
    2. What MiCASSA is
    3. Why MiCASSA is important to you
    4. There are more than 700 organizations in the US that support MiCASSA
  2. Ask them to support the passage of MiCASSA

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